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UNIX Workshop Notes

1 The
UNIX Philosophy

  • small
    is beautiful
  • make
    each program do one thing well
  • build
    a prototype as soon as possible
  • choose
    portability over efficiency
  • store
    numerical data in flat files
  • use
    software leverage to your advantage
  • use
    shell scripts to increase leverage and portability
  • avoid
    captive user interfaces
  • make
    every program a filter


The Ten Lesser Tenets

  • allow
    the user to tailor the environment
  • make
    operating system kernels small and lightweight
  • use
    lower case and keep it short
  • save
  • silence
    is golden
  • think
  • the
    sum of the parts if greater than the whole
  • look
    for the ninety percent solution
  • worse
    is better
  • think


2 /etc/passwd

The /etc/passwd file determines
which shell takes effect during your interactive UNIX session.

/etc/passwd also contains account
info, which includes UID and GID.


3 init process

Each process can have one or more
child process. If you kill the parent of a child process, it automatically
becomes the child of init.

init is the last process
created at boot time. It always has a process ID (PID) of 1 (i.e. on all
Unixes). init is responsible for starting all subsequent processes.
Consequently, it is the parent (in other words, mother of all processes!) of
all (non-dummy) Unix processes.


4 Address Space

For each new process created, the
kernel sets up an address space in memory. This address space consists of the
following logical segments:

text - contains the program's instructions.

data - contains initialized program variables.

bss - contains uninitialized program variables.

stack - a dynamically growable segment, it contains
variables allocated locally

and parameters passed to
functions in the program.


5 Process

Context of Process & Context Switching

The context of a process is essentially a snapshot of its current
runtime environment, including its address space, stack space, etc. At any
given time, a process can be in user-mode, kernel-mode, sleeping, waiting on
I/O, and so on. The process scheduling subsystem within the kernel uses a time
slice of typically 20ms to rotate among currently running processes. Each
process is given its share of the CPU for 20ms, then left to sleep until its turn
again at the CPU. This process of moving processes in and out of the CPU is
called context switching. The kernel
makes the operating system appear to be multi-tasking (i.e. running processes
concurrently) via the use of efficient context-switching.


Process status:

R - runable, currently on the run

S - currently sleeping (waiting
on a pipe, completion of I/O, terminal input, memory)

T - currently stopped

Z - defunct or zombie (a process
with no swappable image but a structure in memory)



SIGHUP       1          Hangup

SIGINT        2          Interrupt

SIGKILL      9          Kill (cannot be
caught or ignore)

SIGTERM    15        Terminate
(termination signal from SIGKILL)


6 Boot and Shutdown UNIX

(1) Boot System

Boot scripts are normal shell
scripts. The boot scripts will execute by “init” process through sh. Boot
scripts’ task include set computer name, set timezone, check hard disk with
fsck, install file system, configure network interface, start daemon process
and network services, start log and disk quota etc.

BSD doesn’t have run level. ATT
System V has run level define in /etc/inittab.


(2) Shutdown System

( !!! may damage system )

( good way )

 halt (
will change system to single user mode )


 init or
telinit ( change the run level )


7 su V.S. su -

su <account>” only change to another user’s
account. “su – <account>“ will excute

user’s profile while changing.

su” or “su –“ without any account parameter means
you hope to change to



8 Unix Environment

setup user environment in ksh


shell variables: varname=value

unset variables



Any variable can become an
environment variable with the command:
export varnames

environment file will told sub
process other variables, options, aliases that shell wish to told it. Environment
file name can be any name, as long as you set the environment variable ENV to
the file's name.

is a synonym for a command or command string. You define an alias by entering
(or adding to your .profile) a line with the following form: alias new=original

let you change the shell's behavior. The basic commands that relate to options
are set -o optionnames and set +o optionnames, where optionnames
is a list of option names separated by blanks. the - turns the named option on, while the + turns it off.


Built-in Variables

  • PS1,
    PS2, PS3 , PS4
  • TERM
  • PATH,
  • HOME
  • PWD


9 Common Control Characters

Erase Character


 [DELETE], [DEL] key


Other Control Characters

[CTRL-U]    Erases
the whole input line; you can start over.

[CTRL-S]     Pauses
output from a program that is writing to the screen.

[CTRL-Q]    Restarts
output after a pause by [CTRL-S].

[CTRL-D]    Used
to signal end-of-input for some programs.


10 File System Inside

super block describes the state of the file system: the total size
of the partition, the block size, pointers to a list of free blocks, the inode
number of the root directory, magic number, etc.


11 I/O Redirection

xargs [options] [command]

Execute command (with any initial
arguments), but read remaining arguments from standard input instead of
specifying them directly. xargs passes these arguments in several bundles to
command, allowing command to process more arguments than it could normally
handle at once. The arguments are typically a long list of filenames (generated
by ls or find, for example) that get passed to xargs via a pipe.


grep for pattern in all files on
the home directory /home/foo:

find /home/foo -print | xargs grep pattern > out &

12 Search and Patterns

(1) Searching Commands

… find

… grep

… egrep

… fgrep

find pathname(s)

find descends the directory tree
beginning at each pathname and locates files that meet the specified
conditions. At least one pathname and one condition must be specified. The most
useful conditions include -print (which must be explicitly given to display any
output), -name and -type (for general use), -exec and -size (for advanced
users), and -mtime and -user (for administrators). Examples:

find $HOME –print

find $HOME –name ‘core’ –exec rm –rf {} /;


grep [options] regexp [files]

Search one or more files for
lines that match a regular expression regexp. Examples:

List the number of users who use
the korn shell:

grep -c /bin/ksh /etc/passwd

List header files that have at
least one #include directive:

grep -l '^#include' /usr/include/*

List files that don't contain

grep -c pattern files | grep :0


(2) Patterns (Regular Expressions

A regular expression describes a pattern
or a particular sequence of characters, although it does not necessarily
specify a single exact sequence. Pattern is composed of mixed sequence of
characters and metacharacters.

13 UNIX Power Tools

(1) Backup & Compression









filename suffix

. .tar

. .Z

. .gz

. .tar.Z

. .tar.gz

. .zip

. .bz; .tar.bz


(2) Text Processing

cut                Select columns for display.

join               Merge different columns into a database.

paste            Merge columns or switch order.

sort              Sort or merge files.

tr                  Translate (redefine) characters.

uniq              Find repeated or unique lines in a file.

sed               Stream editor, edit one or more files without user

awk              Use the pattern-matching program to modify the
specified files


(3) Job Control







(4) Communication and network








