






可见, Google英文搜索比中文搜索生猛的多。为过滤不良信息,上图中的生词,还是自己查一下吧,我就不 翻译了。









如果要在UNIX/Linux下查看某个进程的详细参数, 可以用命令:


           ps -axuww|grep <process>


"/usr/ucb/ps" 是从BSD UNIX中继承而来的,而/usr/bin/ps从AT&T SVR4继承而来的。二者之间存在较大区别, 如果有些










在飞机上,发现坐我后面的一个哥们一直带着口罩,睡觉的时候都没有摘下来,实在是太佩服他的耐心了。同时我发现没有一个外国人戴口罩。 来到芝加哥下了飞机,入海关,直到出了机场,又在机场外面等了同事一个小时,也没有发现一个人戴口罩——即使是原来戴口罩的中国人,也不得不把口罩摘了下来,因为没人戴口罩。可以想见,如果谁胆敢带着口罩入海关,搞不好会被海关大叔/大婶给盘问甚至reject的——海关人员都是很拽的样子。
昨晚在 一个同事的带领下去了Naperville的一个小教堂进行Church Talk(美国退休的老头老太太自愿在教堂工作,每天晚上和外国人交谈是他们工作的一部分,叫做Church Talk;话题可以海阔天空,不限于宗教,尽管他们和你谈话的最终目的是希望你入教,但绝大多数中国人去那里的最初目的是练口语)。几个老头老太太一见到我得知我是刚刚从中国来的,就问我中国人怎么看美国的猪流感?为什么那么多中国人如此的害怕美国的猪流感?我说几年前中国刚刚经历过一场SARS,很多人在那场瘟疫中死掉了。中国人现在对猪流感心存忌惮也是有情可原的。而出乎我的预料的是,几个老头竟然告诉我只要勤洗手和保持充足的睡眠,猪流感是完全不必担心的。这些我在国内的时候就知道,但是在几个美国老头的口中说出,仍让我很诧异:连这样的匹夫匹妇对于猪流感的认识都如此轻松,美国人的自信以及新闻媒体在美国的重要性可见一斑。


近期遇到的几个Solaris 10 的问题

公司正在逐渐把server升级为Solaris 10, 对于新平台我非常陌生(当然了,对于以前的Solaris 9也不怎么懂),遇到了几个值得记录下来的问题。


1. $HOME目录几乎所有文件(夹)的owner和group都被改为nobody

昨天在工作时遇到了问题,自己无法解决,求助于同事。同事帮忙查了半天,发现了我的$HOME下的所有的文件和文件夹的owner和group都被改为nobody了。我们都很诧异为什么会出现这种情况,求助于公司的IT,IT们说这是因为我们部门有两个NFS storage,其中一个和NFS的版本和Solaris 10兼容,另外一个不兼容。而我的$HOME恰好就在不兼容的Storage上,结果权限就变了。




2. cp:fatal: open failed: No such file or directory cp: fatal: version `SUNW_1.2' not found (required by file /usr/bin/cp)









无意之中看到这样一种网页“读心术:这个程序有着能够看穿你心思的特殊能力,试试吧”,如 或

<SCRIPT language=javascript> 
function writeTable() {
        alphaArray=new Array("a", "n", "b", "d", "f", "h", "{", "i", "l", "v", "x", "z", "I", "J", "M", "N", "o", "O", "R", "S", "T", "U", "m", "6", "^", "u", "_", "[", "]")
        table="<table border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=1 width='100%'><tr>"
        for ( i = 99 ; i >= 0 ; i-- ) {
                if ( i%9 == 0 && i < 89 ) 
                table+="<td class='numtd'>"+i+"</td><td class='symtd'>"+alphaArray[a]+"</td>"
                 if ( j%10 == 0 ) 
function showAnswer() {
        sym.innerHTML="<span class=big><a href="javascript:writeTable()" mce_href="javascript:writeTable()" class=hot>Try Next 再试一次</a></font></span><br><br>"



我忽然注意到了“ i < 89”这一条件,认定此处必有玄机。我于是算了一算,发现90~99所有的数按照“读心术”的要求运算之后都是81,而80~89运算之后都是72,70~79是63,以此类推分别是54、45、36、27、18和0.只要保证0、18、27、36、45、54、63、72、81这几个数所对应的图像是相同的就可以了。查看“读心术”网页打印出来的图像,果然如此。
继续看代码,发现了“i%9 == 0”这一判断条件,再一观察,发现上面那几个关键的数(0、18、27、36、45、54、63、72、81)确实是9的倍数。代码中当遇到小于89的9的倍数时,强制令a=ax,这样一来便保证了9的倍数对应的图像是相同的。于是,对于任何符合两位数,减去自己的个位和十位后,所对应的图像都是相同的。这就是所谓“读心术”程序的trick。






标准的C和C++都不支持正则表达式,但有一些函数库可以辅助C/C++程序员完成这一功能,其中最著名的当数Philip Hazel的Perl-Compatible Regular Expression库,许多Linux发行版本都带有这个函数库。  



int regcomp(regex_t *preg, const char *regex, int cflags); 





int regexec(const  regex_t  *preg,  const  char *string, size_t nmatch,regmatch_t pmatch[], int eflags); 
typedef struct { 
  regoff_t rm_so; 
  regoff_t rm_eo; 
} regmatch_t; 




void regfree(regex_t *preg); 





size_t regerror(int errcode, const regex_t *preg, char *errbuf, size_t errbuf_size); 




#include <stdio.h>; 
#include <sys/types.h>; 
#include <regex.h>; 
/* 取子串的函数 */ 
static char* substr(const char*str, unsigned start, unsigned end) 
  unsigned n = end - start; 
  static char stbuf[256]; 
  strncpy(stbuf, str + start, n); 
  stbuf[n] = 0; 
  return stbuf; 
/* 主程序 */ 
int main(int argc, char** argv) 
  char * pattern; 
  int x, z, lno = 0, cflags = 0; 
  char ebuf[128], lbuf[256]; 
  regex_t reg; 
  regmatch_t pm[10]; 
  const size_t nmatch = 10; 
  /* 编译正则表达式*/ 
  pattern = argv[1]; 
  z = regcomp(®, pattern, cflags); 
  if (z != 0){ 
    regerror(z, ®, ebuf, sizeof(ebuf)); 
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: pattern '%s' /n", ebuf, pattern); 
    return 1; 
  /*  逐行处理输入的数据 */ 
  while(fgets(lbuf, sizeof(lbuf), stdin)) { 
    if ((z = strlen(lbuf)) > 0 && lbuf[z-1] == '/n') 
      lbuf[z - 1] = 0; 
    /* 对每一行应用正则表达式进行匹配 */ 
    z = regexec(®, lbuf, nmatch, pm, 0); 
    if (z == REG_NOMATCH) 
    else if (z != 0) { 
      regerror(z, ®, ebuf, sizeof(ebuf)); 
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: regcom('%s')/n", ebuf, lbuf); 
      return 2; 
    /* 输出处理结果 */ 
    for (x = 0; x < nmatch && pm[x].rm_so != -1; ++ x) { 
      if (!x) printf("%04d: %s/n", lno, lbuf); 
      printf("  %d='%s'/n", x, substr(lbuf, pm[x].rm_so, pm[x].rm_eo)); 
  /* 释放正则表达式  */ 
  return 0; 




1. A backslash as the last character in a line is converted into a space, and all the white space at the beginning of the next line is replaced by this substitution.

2. The difference between double quotes and curly braces is that quotes allow substitutions to occur in the group, while curly braces prevent substitutions.
3. Tcl uses the proc command to define procedures.
4. The expr command is used to parse and evaluate math expressions. You can make expr operate more efficiently by grouping the entire expression in curly braces.
5. TCL assumes that variable names contain only letters, digits, and the underscore. The construct $foo.o represents a concatenation of the value of foo and the literal ".o".
6. If the variable reference is not delimited by punctuation or white space, then you can use curly braces to explicitly delimit the variable name (e.g., ${x}).
7. You can delete a variable with the unset command:
unset ?-nocomplain? ?--? varName varName2 ...
8. The existence of a variable can be tested with the info exists command.
9. You should always group expressions in curly braces and let expr do command and variable substitutions.
10. In TCL, the # must occur at the beginning of a command.
11. A surprising property of Tcl comments is that curly braces inside comments are still counted for the purposes of finding matching brackets.
12. Command arguments are separated by white space, unless arguments are grouped with curly braces or double quotes as described below. If you forget the space, you will get syntax errors about unexpected characters after the closing brace or quote.
13. The Tcl shells pass the command-line arguments to the script as the value of the argv variable. The number of command-line arguments is given by the argc variable. The name of the program, or script, is not part of argv nor is it counted by argc. Instead, it is put into the argv0 variable. argv is a list, so you can use the lindex command to extract items from it:

set arg1 [lindex $argv 0]
14. Some command-line options are interpreted by wish, and they do not appear in the argv variable. The general form of the wish command line is:
wish ?options? ?script? ?arg1 arg2?

If no script is specified, then wish just enters an interactive command loop.

15. You can use the info script command to find out where the CGI script is, and from that load the supporting file. The file dirname and file join commands manipulate file names in a platform-independent way.

set dir [file dirname [info script]] 

set datafile [file join $dir]

16. You can ask string for valid operations by giving it a bad one:

string junk
=> bad option "junk": should be bytelength, compare, equal, first, index, is, last, length
graphics/ccc.gif, map, match, range, repeat, replace, tolower, totitle, toupper, trim, trimleft, trimright,
graphics/ccc.gif wordend, or wordstart
17. The string map command translates a string based on a character map. The map is in the form of a input, output list. Wherever a string contains an input sequence, that is replaced with the corresponding output. For example:
string map {f p d l} food
=> pool

The inputs and outputs can be more than one character and they do not have to be the same length:

string map {f p d ll oo u} food
=> pull
18. A position specifier is i$, which means take the value from argument i as opposed to the normally corresponding argument. The position counts from 1. If a position is specified for one format keyword, the position must be used for all of them. If you group the format specification with double quotes, you need to quote the $ with a backslash:
    set lang 2
    format "%${lang}/$s" one un uno
    => un
19. The binary command provides conversions between strings and packed binary data representations. The binary format command takes values and packs them according to a template. The resulting binary value is returned:

binary format template value ?value ...?

The binary scan command extracts values from a binary string according to a similar template. It assigns values to a set of Tcl variables:

    binary scan value template variable ?variable ...?
20. Tcl commands described are: list, lindex, llength, 
lrange, lappend, linsert, lreplace,
lsearch, lset, lsort, concat, join,
and split.
21. Tcl commands related to list are: list, lindex, llength, lrange, lappend, linsert, lreplace, lsearch, lset, lsort, concat, join, and split.
22. Procedure
22.1 Default parameter values

    proc P2 {a {b 7} {c -2} } {
     expr $a / $b + $c
    P2 6 3
    => 0
22.2 A procedure can take a variable number of arguments by 
specifying the args keyword as the last parameter. When the procedure 
is called, the args parameter is a list that contains all the remaining 
23. The rename command changes the name of a command: 
        rename foo foo.orig
The other thing you can do with rename is completely remove a command by renaming it to the empty string:
        rename exec {}
24. Use the upvar command when you need to pass the name of a variable, as 
opposed to its value, into a procedure.
25. Call by Name Using upvar
Use the upvar command when you need to pass the name of a variable, as opposed to its value, into a procedure. The upvar command associates a local variable with a variable in a scope up the Tcl call stack. The syntax of the upvar command is:

    upvar ?level? varName localvar

The level argument is optional, and it defaults to 1, which means one level up the Tcl call stack. You can specify some other number of frames to go up, or you can specify an absolute frame number with a #number syntax. Level #0 is the global scope.

26. You can use any string as an index for array, but avoid using a string that contains spaces.

27. The array get and array set operations are used to convert between an array and a list. The list returned by array get has an even number of elements. The first element is an index, and the next is the corresponding array value. The list elements continue to alternate between index and value. The list argument to array set must have the same structure.



 PERL Handling Binary Scalar

1 [Question]:

I adopt select()...sysread()...syswrite() mechanism to handle socket messages, where messages are sysread() into $buffer (binary) before they are syswritten.

Now I want to change two bytes of the message, which denote the length of the whole message. At first, I use following code:

my $msglen=substr($buffer,0,2); # Get the first two bytes
my $declen=hex($msglen);
+= 3;
($buffer,0,2,$declen); # change the length

However, it doesn't work in this way. If the final value of $declen is 85, then the modified $buffer will be "0x35 0x35 0x00 0x02...". I insert digital number to $buffer but finally got ASCII!

I also tried this way:

my $msglen=substr($buffer,0,2); # Get the first two bytes,binary
+= 0b11; # Or $msglen += 3;
my $msgbody=substr($buffer,2); # Get the rest part of message, binary
=join("", $msglen, $msgbody);

Sadly, this method also failed. The result is such as"0x33 0x 0x00 0x02..." I just wonder why two binary scalar can't be joined into a binary scalar?

Can you help me? Thank you!

[Answer 1]: 


my $msglen=substr($buffer,0,2); # Get the first two bytes
my $number = unpack("S",$msglen);
+= 3;
my $number_bin = pack("S",$number);
($buffer,0,2,$number_bin); # change the length


[Answer 2]:



Perl code
my $buffer = "/x00/x01"; print unpack("H*", $buffer), "/n"; vec($buffer, 0, 16) += 3; print unpack("H*", $buffer), "/n";


I am writing a Perl program that sends and receives messages from two sockets and acta as a switch. I have to modify the received messages received from one socket, prepend 3 bytes to the data, and finally send the modified messages to another socket. I adopt select()...sysread()...syswrite() mechanism to poll for messages between sockets. The received messages are stored in $buffer during modification.

Now I can use following way to get the received messages:

my $hexmsg = unpack("H*", $buffer);
my @msg = ( $hexmsg =~ m/../g );

then I can insert 3 bytes to @msg. However, I don't know how to pack the message in @msg into a scalar(such as $buffer) and send it to another socket by syswrite(). Can anybody help me? Thank you in advance!

BTW, are messages in $buffer binary?



Yes, messages in $buffer are binary (if I'm guessing what you mean by that correctly). If your only reason for unpacking it into @msg is to insert the bytes, don't. Use substr instead, and just write out the changed $buffer. For instance:

substr( $buffer, 0, 0, "/x01/x02/x03" ); # insert 3 bytes at beginning.

If you are doing other things with @msg, you could continue to use that as well as doing the substr insert before writing it out, or you could use substr or pack or split or vec or a regex to parse out the pieces you need. You'd need to describe what you are doing to get more specific help.





my $hexstr=unpack("H*",$buffer);
my @msg=($hexstr =~ m/../g);
#               DumpMsg
# Dump received message in hex mode.
# Format: DumpMsg($type, $msglen, $msg);
# input:        $type= 'MSC' | 'BSC'
#               $msglen= msg length
#               $msg= received msg
# output:       Print received msg to stderr and log in hex type
sub DumpMsg {
    my $type=$_[0];
    my $msglen=$_[1];
    CoolMisc::coolprint("Received message from $type: $msglen bytes/n" );
    LogPrint("Received message from $type: $msglen bytes/n");
    # change the received message from bin to hex string.
    # my @msg=split(/../,unpack("H*", $_[2]),$msglen);
    my $tmp = unpack("H*", $_[2]);
    my @msg = ( $tmp =~ m/../g );
    # print the message to stdout and log file.
    for(my $i=0;$i<$msglen;$i++) {
        print "0x$msg[$i] ";
        syswrite($ROUTELOG,"0x$msg[$i] ");
        if ($i%8 ==7) {
            print "/n";
    print "/n";





As always with Perl there is more than one way to do it. Below are a few examples of approaches to making common conversions between number representations. This is intended to be representational rather than exhaustive.

Some of the examples below use the Bit::Vector module from CPAN. The reason you might choose Bit::Vector over the perl built in functions is that it works with numbers of ANY size, that it is optimized for speed on some operations, and for at least some programmers the notation might be familiar.

How do I convert hexadecimal into decimal

Using perl's built in conversion of 0x notation:


    $int = 0xDEADBEEF;
    $dec = sprintf("%d", $int);  


Using the hex function:


    $int = hex("DEADBEEF");
    $dec = sprintf("%d", $int);  


Using pack:


    $int = unpack("N", pack("H8", substr("0" x 8 . "DEADBEEF", -8)));
    $dec = sprintf("%d", $int);  


Using the CPAN module Bit::Vector:


    use Bit::Vector;
    $vec = Bit::Vector->new_Hex(32, "DEADBEEF");
    $dec = $vec->to_Dec();  


How do I convert from decimal to hexadecimal

Using sprint:


    $hex = sprintf("%X", 3735928559);  


Using unpack


    $hex = unpack("H*", pack("N", 3735928559));  


Using Bit::Vector


    use Bit::Vector;
    $vec = Bit::Vector->new_Dec(32, -559038737);
    $hex = $vec->to_Hex();  


And Bit::Vector supports odd bit counts:


    use Bit::Vector;
    $vec = Bit::Vector->new_Dec(33, 3735928559);
    $vec->Resize(32); # suppress leading 0 if unwanted
    $hex = $vec->to_Hex();  


How do I convert from octal to decimal

Using Perl's built in conversion of numbers with leading zeros:


    $int = 033653337357; # note the leading 0!
    $dec = sprintf("%d", $int);  


Using the oct function:


    $int = oct("33653337357");
    $dec = sprintf("%d", $int);  


Using Bit::Vector:


    use Bit::Vector;
    $vec = Bit::Vector->new(32);
    $vec->Chunk_List_Store(3, split(//, reverse "33653337357"));
    $dec = $vec->to_Dec();  


How do I convert from decimal to octal

Using sprintf:


    $oct = sprintf("%o", 3735928559);  


Using Bit::Vector


    use Bit::Vector;
    $vec = Bit::Vector->new_Dec(32, -559038737);
    $oct = reverse join('', $vec->Chunk_List_Read(3));  


How do I convert from binary to decimal

Perl 5.6 lets you write binary numbers directly with the 0b notation:


	$number = 0b10110110;  


Using pack and ord


    $decimal = ord(pack('B8', '10110110'));  


Using pack and unpack for larger strings


    $int = unpack("N", pack("B32",
	substr("0" x 32 . "11110101011011011111011101111", -32)));
    $dec = sprintf("%d", $int);