今天在Apple4us上看到Apple将于今晚发布新的产品,并且Apple Store的网页正在升级,已经无法正常显示产品信息,于是就随便打开看了一看。想不到不看则以,一看还真让我深感意外: Apple竟然做起了张冠李戴、分裂我中华国土的勾当!



Dear Sir/Ms. ,
I found something confusing in the webpage http://store.apple.com/(following "You can contact our telesales team at the following numbers:").
The logo of Taiwan is not appropriate: you add two Chinese characters "日本" above "Taiwan", which will confuse many people. Taiwan is a part of China, so you should add "中国" instead.
I sincerely remind you about this negligence and hope you can change the logo as soon as possible.
Thank you in advance!
Best wishes!